Pose Boxes (Recommended)
Special Effects
A Video Editor
Custom Content (Recommended)
Useful Custom Content, Mods, And Hacks
Part 1 Bodyshop Content
Scratches, Bloody Faces
Bruised, Battered, And Wounded Blood FX Masks
Beaten Up!
Lip ring, Beat Up, White Eyebrows, Mole
Bloody Mask
Bloody Mask pt2: This is much bloodier than pt 1.
Really Beat
Blood! Oh the terror!
Wounds, Band Aid, Scratches
Scars, Wounds, And More!
Black Eyes
Bloody Mask
The Black Eye Is Back!
Bloody/Cracked Lips
Make Up 1
Deadly Kisses!
Cracked/Sore Lips
Stitch And Blood Makeup
Layerable Nose Freckles
Realistic Freckles As Masks
Cheekbone And Jawline Scars
Scars And Eybrows
Lip Scars
Three Raised Scars
Tiger Claw Scar
8 Layerable Scars
Scars, Wounds, And More!
Zits, Freckles, etc
Zits, Freckles, etc
Jewel Colored Braces
Tear Mask All Skintones
Tears for crying sims
6 New Layerable Piercings
11 Layerable Piercings
Two New Wings: "Feathery and Spread"
Victoria's Secret Wings
Iridescent Wings
Changing Leaves Wing Set
Glittering Fairy Wings
Flight Of The Fairy Wings
Things For Your Head
Antennae Twitching And Waterproof
Nature Tiara
Fire Tiara
Ice Tiara
Forked Tail
(Mermaid) Tails
4 Vibrant Recolors Of Marvine's Mermaid Tail
Part 2 Build/Buy Mode Content
Ceiling Tiles
Visible Ceiling Tiles
Basic Popcorn Tile Recoulors
Malkavian Mansion Ceiling Tile Recoulors
No More Sky Tiles
Potted Harvestable Fruit Trees
African Violet
McDonald's Deco Food Set
McDonald's Food Deco Set- Now Edible
McDonald's Lot: Even if you don't want to use this lot for your set, it includes a lot of cc so at least you'll get a lot of stuff for your set. I mean a LOT.
Functional Soda Machine
Clothing Store
Female Adult Mannequin
Clothing Store Signs
Stairway To Fashion Clothing Boutique: A perfect lot to use in your movies if you're too lazy to make one yourself.
Starla: Cool clothing store with small bar.
Part 3 Mods And Hacks
OMSP For Coffetables
OMSP For End Tables
OMSP For Beds And Counters
OMSP For Couches, Fireplaces, Pianos, Fridges
OMSP For Windows, Stairs, Bookcases, And Walls
OMSP Contoller
InSimenator: A hack that allows you to control your sims stats, along with other features.
The Sim Manipulator: A hack very similar to InSimenator, although it's currently supported.
TS2 Studios: A hack that adds interactions that are very helpful in making movies. Based on Paul's Reaction Tester.
Sim Locomotor: Change your sims' walk style.
Animation Boxes: Animation boxes that include animations from every expansion pack, including the loading screen. (Note: You download each box separately)
Hula Dance: Dance animations and other interactions.
Hacks made by Decorgal21572
Decoragal makes amazing hacks. They are all safe, as I frequently use them in my game. Her site was deleted, but you can find her Mod The Sims profile here.
Sitting Talk Hack: Talk animations while sitting.
Talk Overlay: Make your sims breathe and talk without flailing their arms.
Action Hack: Hack that allows your sims to do actions on command.
Custom Modeling Poses: Make your sims do natural poses.
Custom Modeling Poses: This is an updated version of the above modeling poses. Includes face overlays.
Custom Prop Hack: Realistic props for your sims. Multi part download. Download meshes/textures here.
Helpful Videos
Nataliefirexx created the popular youtube series "My Life." These are tutorials made by her to help you create your own series.
Nataliefirexx created the popular youtube series "My Life." These are tutorials made by her to help you create your own series.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Making Machinima: Creating Sims
This is a tutorial by PumpkinsAtTheDisco, another one of my favorite simmers.This will help you create realistic sims for your series and gives you lots of tips. Click here to go to her youtube channel.
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