Mod The Sims. By
JohnBrehaut1. Download
Hello Everyone!!
After six months of work, I have finally finished the sword.

is my first hacked object, that I have ever made. In the .rar file,
there is 3 files, 1 is the sword, 1 is the stand and the last one is a
social object. You need all 3 objects in your game for everything to
work properly.
17-1-2007 : After some people requesting it, I made it so the
"Demonstrate Skills" interaction now adds body skillpoints. Your sim
will gain them alot faster than usual, 1 and a bit skill points each
time they do the interaction.

See post in thread for a picture of it.
Mesh Details:
Sword Stand: 1856/1995 (f/v)
Sword: 1562/1302 (f/v)
Sword Stand:
- "Draw Sword" - Your sim will walk to the stand and
pick the sword up. The texture on the stand will change to make it look
like the sword has been taken out. (NOTE: It will stay in your sim's
hand until you use the "Put Away" interaction on the stand, or the
"Drop" interaction on the sword.)
- "Put Away" - Your Sim will
walk to the stand and put the sword away. The texture on the stand will
change to make it look like the sword has been put back.
- "View" - Just the same as the normal maxis "View" interaction.
- "Pick Up" - The sim will walk over to the sword and pick
it up. If the sword isn't in the hand of the sim, this option will
- "Drop" - The sim will drop the sword on the ground. This option will only appear when the sword is in the hand.
- "Demonstrate
Skills" - Your sim will swing the sword around, aswell as do some kicks
and punches. After the routine is finished, they bow.This option will
only appear when the sword is in the hand. See the Update area, for an
update on this interaction.
- "Fight a Sim" - Both the Sim with
the sword and the selected sim will fight. They will stab, punch, kick
and slash each other. Once they have finished, your sims fun will go up
by a quarter.This option will only appear when the sword is in the hand.
- "Commit
Suicide" - The Sim will perform a Custom animation (it may not actually
go into the sim) where they will put the sword into them. They will
throw up, then die.This option will only appear when the sword is in the
- "Kill a Sim" - The sims selected will do exactly the same
as the "Fight a Sim" interaction, but the sim who was selected, will
die. It has a custom animation, but is a little off from stabbing the
sim.This option will only appear when the sword is in the hand.
Known Issues:
- "Sword Placement in hand" -
Sometimes, if something happens to the sim, the sword is moved out
further from the hand. To fix this, you can either delete the sword from
Buy mode, or put the sword back in the stand, then pull it out again.
- "Strange
Pose" - Sometimes, when your sim commit's suicide, the sim may be stuck
in a pose next to the stand. To fix this, you can either let the sim
die by the grim reaper, or save them from the reaper.
- "Jump Bug"
- You may experience a bug with the sword or stand, where the sim may
teleport from one place to another then instantly back. Currently i dont
know what is causing it, so i can't fix it.

Game Compatability:
These objects, require atleast 1 expansion pack for the sword to go in the hand. It does not matter which expansion you have.
They will also not replace any of your game files.
The stand can be found under Miscellanious/ Miscellanious.
The animations only work for adult.
Katy_76: Katy first
started helping me to learn some of the basics of coding. She was the
one who started me off at this, She was so nice and even sent pictures
on how to do. She is one of the many great talents, who spared time to
help me. So thank you katy !!
Coke helped me with checking error's in the sword, she also tought me
how to make custom animations that dont overwrite the maxis ones.
HystericalParoxysm: HP helped me with finding much needed and useful animations. And for offering advice on how to make a sim die.
Hunter240X He also found some great animations that i could use.
Jasana_BugBreeder: For showing me how to make it show where it is correctly linking.
The biggest thanks would have to go her, she has been helping me with
alot for this sword, without her, it wouldn't even be half finished. She
helped with with making the sword stay in the hand after the
interaction was finished. She corrected some of the codes i did which
were wrong. She helped me with the commit suicide interaction, by
telling me how to set it up. She also taught me the importance of
Guardian bhav's. She also helped me majorly with the Kill a Sim
For fixing the Kill a Sim interaction for me, I wouldn't have been
able to fix it. Also thank you for telling me how to make the Fight a
Sim function work with the Kill a Sim interaction.
All these people took the time to help me when i was struggling, so a big thank you to you all !! :D
Terms & Conditions:
Recolouring: You may recolour the object, but you cannot include the mesh and you must link back to the thread.
Cloning: You may clone this object, as long as you ONLY replace the mesh
of it, as in dont edit the code. If you do clone, it Link back to this
Coding: You may go through the coding of this object and see how it works, but please don't just copy it.
Houses: You may include these in lots, as long as you link to this thread and that you dont upload it to the exchange!!
Paysites: You may not upload any clones, recolours, coding or
houses with my content in them, to be uploaded to a paysite. If the site
has a free area, you MUST post it in there, not a pay area!!!
If you need any other information, ask it and i will find the awnser.